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Delta Charter School

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Revised Cell Phone Policy

Delta Charter School, MST
Revised Cell Phone Policy
DCS recognizes that cell phones have become a vital part of our lives. While cell phones provide many potential positive attributes to schools, we also continually grapple with the negative aspects of this technology in the school setting. Cell phones will be allowed to be brought on campus by students, however, students must adhere to the following guidelines concerning them:

● Cell phones are to be in the off mode at all times from the time that students enter the school building until the end of the school day.
● Cell phones must be stowed in a student’s backpack or locked in their locker. They should not be visible at any time during the academic day or during school activities (recess, lunch, etc.).
● Cell phones cannot be carried on the student in pockets, sweatshirts, etc.
● The school strongly encourages students to leave their phone in their vehicle.

Students who choose not to follow the cell phone procedure and have their phone out during the academic day or during school activities (recess, lunch, etc.) will have their cell phone confiscated and be assigned a disciplinary consequence as described below:

Cell Phone Discipline Procedures:

1st Offense—Student will be assigned one day of afternoon detention and the phone will be kept for five (5) school days. After five (5) school days, a parent must pick up the cell phone from the appropriate principal.
2nd Offense—Student will be assigned two days of afternoon detention and the phone will be kept for ten (10) school days. After ten (10) school days, a parent must pick up the cell phone from the appropriate principal.
3rd Offense—Student will receive a one-day suspension and the phone will be kept until the end of the nine-week grading period. At the end of the nine-week grading period, a parent must pick up the cell phone from the appropriate principal.

The school retains the right, and will, conduct random, unannounced searches throughout the school year. Any student refusing to produce a phone when requested by school personnel will receive an immediate disciplinary consequence. The school is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged cell phones. We will continue to follow the established cell phone consequence policy as listed below.

Revised: August 2023
Approved: September 2023