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Delta Charter School

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September 2024

Proceedings of the Delta Charter Group, Taken at a Regular Board Meeting Held on Monday, September 23, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.
The Board of Directors of Delta Charter Group met in regular session at Delta Charter School on Monday,
September 23, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 6:04 p.m. by Mr. Craig Jackson. The pledge was led by
Mr. Jackson and the prayer was said by Mrs. Doughty.
Members present were: Mr. Keith Dallalio, Mrs. Sheila Dye, Mr. Terrell Fife, Mr. Craig Jackson, and Mr. Johnny Taylor.
Members absent were: Mr. Michael Burley, Mr. Cass Butler, Mrs. Hilie McFarland, and Mr. Kenny Simpson
Also present:

  • Mrs. Lynne Ashmore, Business manager
  • Mrs. Jeannie Crnkovic, Athletic director
  • Mrs. Emily Dawkins, JH/HS principal
  • Mrs. Shannon Doughty, JH/HS assistant principal
  • Mrs. Monica Miller, Director

It was moved by Mr. Taylor, 2nd by Mrs. Dye, and carried unanimously to approve the agenda.
It was moved by Mrs. Dye, 2nd by Mr. Taylor, and carried unanimously to approve the August 2024 minutes.
Special reports:
Ms. Christine Woods with the Louisiana Department of Education gave a presentation (via Zoom) to the board on our renewal and extension that is coming up this school year.
Club reports:
Quarterback Club: Mrs. Dawkins gave an update on the quarterback club
PTO: Mrs. Crnkovic gave an update on the PTO
Committee reports were given:
Mrs. Ashmore presented the monthly financial report. She also presented the 2024-2025 budget to the board for
approval. After reviewing the budget, on a motion made by Mr. Taylor, 2nd by Mr. Fife, and carried unanimously
the board approved the 2024-2025 budget.
The discussion about the playground will be moved to the October meeting.
Mrs. Crnkovic provided an update on the football bleachers, concession stand and ticket booth projects at the
athletic complex.
Mrs. Dawkins and Mrs. Doughty provided an update for grades 6-12. Mrs. Dawkins provided the board with a
written breakdown of the state assessment scores over the past few years. She discussed the breakdown with them
and answered any questions that they had concerning the information provided.

Mrs. Miller presented the board with the CJIS fingerprint policy for review. The board will review the policy and
vote on it at the October meeting.
An update on current enrollment was provided by Mrs. Miller. Mrs. Miller asked the board to dismiss school on
September 27th at 2:00 p.m. due to the homecoming parade in town. The board agreed to the calendar change and
on a motion made by Mr. Fife, 2nd by Mr. Dallalio and unanimously approved the board voted to approve the
request for the early dismissal.
There were no personnel issues.
Mrs. Dye provided the board with a report on the diversity committee.
Announcements were given as follows:
● October 11, 2024: Early dismissal at 11:30 a.m for homecoming
● October 16, 2024: Teacher professional development (No students)
● October 17-21, 2024: Fall break
● October 22, 2024: October board meeting
The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. It was moved by Mr. Taylor, 2 nd by Mrs. Dye and carried unanimously by
the board to adjourn the meeting.